Mobile Water Treatment Systems

The Water Treatment System designed by TETI ACQUE srl features dependable, stackable features for reducing the out control water’s parameters through modular filtering systems, of sure reliability and integrable with each other.
Furthermore, the system is proposed on a mobile vehicle that can be transported even in areas with a real difficult in accessing and with no needs of the installation of fixed structures.


  • Rapid supplying to the customer compared to fixed water purifiers
  • Multifunctionality because it has adequate operational characteristics in terms of chemical-physical-bacteriological treatment with modular/integrable and autonomous filtering systems also from the point of view of electricity
  • Reduction and in some cases abatement of bureaucratic times compared to the emergency in progress
  • Optimization of logistical risks and speed in resolving the water emergency in progress even in areas of difficult access
  • Cost reduction compared to the construction of fixed structures

TETI ACQUE SRL offers on “catalogue” mobile water treatment units of different sizes and characteristics (production of drinking water m³/h, filtering).

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